Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Week

¡Hola! With our first week of school under our belts we are all starting to get into the swing of things, establishing our routines and really becoming closer as a group. After having our Spanish classes Monday through Friday from 9-12 last week we can confidently say that everyone is learning so much. Breakfast and Comida with our host families is also helping us to learn even more Spanish because they don’t speak English with us. We are also enjoying our classes with Ron Waterberry and Gustavo Esteva in the afternoons. Last week on Wednesday some of us took a cooking class after Spanish class and we learned how to make Guacamole. It was delicious!

(courtesy of Katie Pearce)

On Thursday we went out for Comida (lunch) as a group with Mary. We went to a small authentic restaurant called Itanoni ( It was so good! All the food was cooked on Comals, which are disks made out of pottery used for cooking tortillas that were actually invented in Oaxaca by the Zapotecs. To no surprise the food was amazing, especially the Tetelas de hongos, (tortillas filled with mushrooms and cheese)

On Saturday some of us ventured off to the local indoor market, they had everything you could have ever imagined in terms of food, and even something you wished you hadn’t seen haha. Then later that night we all went out to eat on the rooftop of Mesa Luna to celebrates Steph’s 21 birthday.

¡quĂ© les vaya bien!

Mike y Rob