This has been the most incredible series of experiences of my life. I could not have asked for a better program or group to share it with. Thank you so much to Mary, Chris, all of the teachers, and the group for making this semester as amazing as it was. See you all in Vermont :)
A haiku:Oaxaca, amor
Pueblos, comida, gente
Change the world, people
~Becky F.
Oaxaca is no longer just a point on a map for all of us who have had the opportunity to experience it, but rather something that we will continue to carry with us as we take our separate paths. The experience has been unique, and I know I will never find another one quite like it—which is both heartbreaking and wonderful. The good people who have accompanied me on this adventure have been the perfect companions for all the mind-blowing meals, culture shock awkwardness, and many, many (many) laughs. While a part of me will stay behind in Oaxaca as I board the plane, I am going to be taking so much more with me from the past few months.

Gracias a todos, y que te vaya bien!
Besos, Heidi Bergt
This past semester in Oaxaca has been has hands down been the best experience I have been lucky enough to have so far in my life. I have met some of the nicest people and formed some very strong friendships. I have learned many things well abroad here in Oaxaca. I have lived a very happily in Oaxaca, we were fed great food, made great friends and I have with out a doubt laughed the most I have ever laughed in my whole life here. I would just like to say thank you to everyone on this trip for making this an awesome experience and a very special thanks to Mary Lou because she really made this trip awesome and I don't think anyone else could do as good of a job! Oaxaca is now a place that I will remember forever and I will always remember everyone I shared my experience with here. Unfortunately we can not bring Oaxaca home with us, but we can take back what we have created in Oaxaca, the memories and the friendships.
See you all in Burlington
Much love, Mike
It’s amazing how we have all found comfort is the original discomfort that conflicted us upon arriving here in Oaxaca. I have always been such a girl of comfort, and over the past months, I have come to appreciate and thrive off of new uncomfortable situations. Oaxaca will forever hold the magic of each of our personal experiences. From El Encuentro to our village stays, to the everyday happenings on “church street” we are all leaving with incredible memories that will serve us a lifetime. I cannot thank each of you enough and send everyone infinite positive thoughts and wishes for our futures. Mary Lou, thanks for everything, you have created an amazing environment for us all to grow into ourselves. Can’t wait to see you all in Burlington!
So much love.
Oaxaca has been one of the most incredible journeys of my young life thus far. It has taught me more than anything to slow down and learn re-appreciate the little things once more. I cannot wait to get back to Burlington and begin to apply all of the things I've learned about the world, culture, food, life and most importantly myself here and how I fit into these newly learned dynamics. Oaxaca has inspired me to re-think the way and for who I am living my life. Muchas gracias y amor para todos! Livy